2024 Fellowship Competition 

Since 1993, the National Association of Administrative Law Judiciary (NAALJ) and its 501(c)(3) affiliate, the National Administrative Law Judge Foundation (NALJF), have co-sponsored an annual writing competition on a topic of interest to the administrative judiciary.  Past Fellowship award recipients include many distinguished administrative law judges and academicians, whose diverse topics can be found on the NAALJ website.

This year, NAALJ and NALJF are seeking an article or scholarly paper covering one of the following topics:

 ·         The impacts of Lucia v. S.E.C., 585 U.S. 237 (2018) on administrative jurisprudence;

  • The history of the Major Questions Doctrine and its significance in W. Virginia v. Envtl. Prot. Agency, 597 U.S. 697 (2022);
  • The future of the Chevron Doctrine and agency deference following the decisions in Loper Bright v. Raimondo and Relentless v. Department of Commerce.
  • Implications of a Federal Central Panel on administrative adjudications;
  • The importance of ALJ decisional independence, and how it can be enhanced and protected.
  • Applicants may also suggest a topic of their choosing related to the administrative judiciary.


The deadline for the application and topic submission is July 31, 2024.  All applications must be in electronic format (PDF or Microsoft Word format preferred) and must include the following documents:

            (1) an abstract or introduction to the proposed article;

            (2) a detailed outline for the proposed article;

            (3) a writing sample; and

            (4) a curriculum vitae.

All submissions must be sent by e-mail to  The Foundation Fellowship Committee will review the submissions and select the Fellowship winner by August 31, 2024.  Only ONE Fellowship application will be chosen.

Once a proposed topic is selected, the 2024 Fellow will prepare an original article for publication in the Journal of the National Association of Administrative Law Judiciary.  The final draft of the paper will be due on or before January 2, 2025.  The Fellow will also deliver an oral presentation of up to fifty (50) minutes at the 2024 NAALJ Annual Conference, which will be held in Chicago, IL, in October 2024.  The Fellow will receive a $2,000.00 cash stipend, as well as transportation, accommodations, and meals, at the 2024 NAALJ Annual Conference.

NOTICE: Prior Fellowship winners, current members of the Fellowship Committee, current members and officers of the NAALJ Board of Directors, and current members of the NAALJ Journal Board of Advisors and may not apply for the Fellowship.

Applications and inquiries regarding the Fellowship should be submitted by e-mail to

Past NALJ Foundation Fellowship Recipients

1992Professor John B. Forman, “Administrative Savings from Synchronizing Social

           Welfare Programs and Tax Provisions,” 13 J. NAALJ  1  (Spring 1993)

1993: Hon. John Hardwicke, “ The Central Hearing Agency: Theory and Implementation

           In Maryland," 14 J. NAALJ 1 (Spring 1994) 

1994Hon. Edwin L. Felter, Jr., “Administrative Adjudication Total Quality

           Management: The Only Way to Reduce Costs and Delays Without Sacrificing Due

           Process,” 15 J. NAALJ  5 (Spring 1995) 

1995: Hon. Gina L. Hale, “Professionalism: A Call to Excellence,”  6 J. NAALJ  5

           (Spring 1996) 

 1996: Hon. Ann Marshall Young, “Evaluation of Administrative Law Judges: Premises,

            Means, and Ends,” 17 J. NAALJ  1 (Spring 1997)


1997: Professor Christopher B. McNeil, “Similarities and differences between judges in the

           judicial branch and the executive branch: The further evolution of executive

           adjudications under the administrative central panel,” 18 J. NAALJ 1  (Spring 1998)

1998: R. Terence Harders, Striking a Balance: Administrative Law Judge Independence

           and Accountability,” 19 J. NAALJ  1 (Spring 1999) 

1999Professor Gregory L. Ogden, “The Role of Demeanor Evidence in Determining

           Credibility of Witnesses in Fact Finding: The Views of ALJ’s,” 20 J. NAALJ 1

           (Spring 2000)

2000: Hon. Edward J. Schoenbaum, “Improving Public Trust and Confidence in

           Administrative Adjudication: What an Administrative Law Judge Can Do,”

           21 J. NAALJ 1 (Spring 2001)

2001: The topic for the 2001 Fellowship was “Delegation of the Judicial Function from the

   Judicial Branch Courts to the ALJ: Administrative Law in the 21st Century.” The fellowship paper

           was not completed or published.

 2002Professor Phyllis E. Bernard, “The Administrative Law Judge as a Bridge Between

            Law and Culture,” 23 J. NAALJ 1 (Spring 2003)

 2003: The topic for the 2003 Fellowship was “Agency Heads and Adjudicatory Hearings.” No

           submissions were accepted for this topic.

2004:  Dean Harold Krent and Lindsay Duvall, “Accommodating ALJ

           Decisionmaking Independence with Institutional Interests of the

           Administrative Judiciary,” 25 J. NAALJ 1 (Spring 2005)

 2005: The topic for the 2005 Fellowship was “The Role of the Administrative Judiciary

           in Protecting Civil Liberties while the US Government Protects the Nation from

           Terrorist Attacks.”  No submissions were accepted for this topic.

2006Hon. John G. Farrell, “Administrative Alternatives to Judicial Branch Congestion,”

            27 J. Nat’l Ass’n L. Jud. 1 (Spring 2007)

2007:  Hon. Julian Mann,  III,  "Due Process; A Detached Judge; and Enemy

            Combatants,” 28 J. Nat’l Ass’n L. Jud. 1 (Spring 2008) 

2008Hon. Jeffrey S. Wolfe, “The Times They Are a Changin’:  A New Jurisprudence for         

           Social Security,” 29 J. Nat’l. Ass’n L. Jud. 515 (Fall 2009)

2009The topic for the 2009 Fellowship was “Ethics and Integrity in Administrative Adjudication:

           Issues and Solutions.”  No submissions were accepted for this topic

2010:  Professor Jill E. Family, “Murky Immigration Law and the Challenges Facing

            Immigration Removal and Benefits Adjudication,” 31 J. Nat’l Ass’n L. Jud. 45

            (Spring 2011)

2011:  The topic for the 2011 Fellowship was “Cultural competence in Adjudication or

           Public feedback on agency hearings: Methods and Uses”  No submissions were

           accepted for this topic.

2012: Hon. Larry J. Craddock, “A Survey of Final Decision Authority Among  Central

           Panel States with Interpretative Analysis and Policy Implications,” 33 J. Nat’l Ass’n

           L. Jud. 471 (Fall 2013)

2013:  Professor Joanna Grisinger, “The Administrative Procedure Act and the Hearing

            Examiner,” 34 J. Nat’l Ass’n L. Jud. 1 (2014)

2014Hon. Elizabeth Figueroa, “Transparency in Administrative Courts:  From the

            Outside Looking In,” 35 J. Nat’l Ass’n L. Jud. 1 (Spring 2015)

2015:  Malcolm C. Rich and Alison C. Goldstein, “The Need for a Central Panel Approach

            to Administrative Adjudications:  Pros, Cons, and Selected Practices,” 39 J. Nat’l

            Ass’n L. Jud. 1 (2019)

2016Judith A. Parker, “How a Diverse Administrative Law Judge Field Fosters

           Longevity and Public Confidence,” 37 J. Nat’l Ass’n L. Jud. 1 (Spring 2017)

2017: No fellowship proposal was selected for 2018.

2018:  Hon. Carrie Townsend Ingram, “Chevron Deference in the States,” 38 J. Nat’l Ass’n

            Admin. L. Jud. 1/Issue 2 (2018)

2019:  No Fellowship was announced for 2019.

2020Hon. Leslie Birnbaum, "Help-I Need Somebody!  Due Process and Administrative Hearings

            in the Time of Covid 19"

2021:  No Fellowship was announced for 2021.

2022:  Hon. Cherron Payne, "All Cases Matter: Mitigating Bias in Administrative Law Judiciary"

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